sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2009

Jocurile Anului 2009

Empire: Total War
Ultimately, Empire Total War maintains the excellent fusion of thoughtful turn-based empire building and dramatic tactical action that the series is known for, and it layers many new features on those foundations to reach awesome new heights. I’ve never given a score this high before, but that’s only because I’ve never played a game as thoroughly enjoyable as Empire Total War. Simply put, if you’re a fan of strategy games, this is one game you must have in your collection. -9.5 from IGN

Dawn of War 2
Relic conquers new territory with its hybrid-RTS sequel. (…)While the overall formula could still use some fine-tuning, the current product is one part hypercharged tactical combat, one part streamlined competitive RTS, and entirely worth playing.- 9.0 from IGN

The Sims 3 may not sway non-Sims fans from changing their minds about the series, but there’s more than enough here to please the many legions of fans already out there. This is simply a better playing Sims experience, and once you experience the freedom to hit the town without hitting a load screen you’ll be hard-pressed to go back to any of the earlier games. Blowing up the size of the game was certainly a risk, but it was a sensible and overdue one, and kudos to EA for recognizing that the decade-old formula needed some growth. And while there’s still plenty of room for more innovation, we’ll settle for The Sims 3 for now. It delivers a solid foundation for what should be many more years of Sims sales dominance.- 8.9 from IGN

Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment
Judged by the same standards as more traditional expansions, Entrenchment’s mere handful of new features might seem a bit anemic. But when you factor in the quality of the additions and the fact that this pack is only ten dollars, it rises to the level of a must-buy expansion for any fans of the original game. The new defensive options add tremendous excitement to the game and definitely fill a hole, tactically speaking. The new star bases are worth the price of admission alone.-8.7 from IGN

Hearts of Iron 3
It’s a sure bet that Hearts of Iron III is one of if not the most detailed strategy games you’ve ever played. The depth of information and modeling in this game is as comprehensive as we’ve ever seen and it holds rich rewards for players who are willing to make the considerable investment into learning how to play- 8.5 from IGN

Solium Infernum
Solium Infernum succeeds by offering unique and varied strategic gameplay. There is simply not another game quite like it, and the many ways of obtaining victory in the underworld make for a slightly different experience every time.(…)Simply put, Solium Infernum gives you plenty of alternatives, and that’s what makes it a can’t miss title for strategy gamers.- 8.5 from OutofEight website

World War II: General Commander
World War II: General Commander does what it set out to do: provide a nice introduction to wargaming for beginning players. (…) Simply put, gamers looking for a more straightforward strategic wargame should immediately direct their attention towards World War II: General Commander.- 8.5 from Out of Eight website

The Sims 3: World Adventures Review
I hope World Adventures sets the pattern for future Sims expansions. Moving beyond just throwing more stuff into a box and putting a price tag on it, this expansion is built on a very compelling and consistent theme that breaks the Sims out of their current suburban environments but also gives them the opportunity to bring back new skills, stories and souvenirs that can impact their day-to-day life. It’s true that the scripted nature of the tomb sequences tends to go against the style of the rest of the game, but the puzzles are fun and the rewards are worthwhile.- 8.3 from IGN

Anno 1404 (Dawn of Discovery)
Dawn of Discovery provides one of the best real-time strategy experiences of the year, hands down. Fans of city-building simulators will be floored by the amount of depth evidenced by the game’s mechanics, though it may be a bit too complex for casual fans of the genre. A few minor hiccups surrounding the campaign such as some unclear objectives and unexplained features don’t hold back the experience too much, and the Continuous Play mode theoretically offers hundreds of hours of engaging colony management. Dawn of Discovery would have no doubt benefitted greatly from the inclusion of multiplayer, but the fact that it still manages to provide such a complex, lasting experience is a testament to the extremely high quality of its overall design.- 8.2 from IGN

Cities XL
Cities XL moves the city-building genre in the right direction. Its friendlier learning curve as compared to the SimCity series will rope in new players, while its greater city design freedom will keep vets interested.- 8.1 from IGN

Creeper World
Creeper World is an unexpectedly fun game. It’s a great strategy game, and it’s addicting. It’s not the most sophisticated-looking title out there, but the strong points heavily outnumber the weak ones, so it’s certainly worth a look for strategy fans- 8.1 from Gametunnel

Men of War
Men of War is not for everyone. It’s not even for every fan of real-time strategy. The high level of challenge and the more realistic handling of combat goes against many of the current conventions of the real-time strategy genre. Toss in some unreliable pathfinding and a surplus of micromanagement tasks, and even the hardcore crowd might balk at picking this one up. But there is a segment of the gaming public out there who is looking for exactly this kind of experience (well, maybe without the awful pathfinding) and for them, Men of War will be a revelation. It’s like watching all your favorite war movies play out in front of your eyes. Is it tedious and hard as hell? You bet it is, but it offers a view of combat that’s every bit as thrilling as the more accessible strategy games that dominate the sales charts.- 8.0 from IGN

League of Legends
A satisfying strategy game that’s not for the faint of heart or the easily confused.Din’s Curse- 8.0 from IGN

Order of War
Order of War is a good game. Not a great game, but a good one. It doesn’t bring anything revolutionary to the table, but it still offers a fun, quick and friendly romp into war-torn Europe(…) While games such as Company of Heroes offer more detailed combat and explosions, Order of War lets you assume control of the action quickly, offering a fun and rewarding experience. If you’re a fan of real-time-strategies or WW2 in general, give this one a try, but don’t expect a reinvented wheel.- 8.0 from IGN

Red Alert 3: Uprising
If you’re the Command and Conquer fan who can’t get enough, or feel like your skills haven’t properly been tested, then Uprising was made for you. There’s plenty of single-player gameplay to churn through, and no one tops the series’ blend of live-action cinematics and candy-colored, fun gameplay.-8.0 from IGN

Island Realms
Island Realms is definitely on the challenging side, with comparatively long and complex levels right from the beginning. Interestingly enough, the game is another example of the successful approach of the casual and the hardcore gaming market. The trial version should suffice to assure whether the game is to your taste or not, but especially those of you who already liked the old classic The Settlers will absolutely adore Island Realms.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Tradewinds Odyssey
The good news is if you preferred the gameplay of earlier Tradewinds titles to last year’s Caravans, you’ll probably really like Tradewinds Odyssey. If you liked Caravans a lot, you’ll still enjoy Odyssey too — just be prepared for a simpler experience. And if you’re new to the series, but you’re up for some quest-based voyaging through Ancient Greece, hop on board! -8.0from Gamezebo

Hollywood Tycoon
On the whole, Hollywood Tycoon is fun and fast paced tycoon game that is suitable for beginners, yet challenging for skilled players. With lots of flexibility and plenty of strategies to employ, it’s one of the better tycoon games out there, provided that you don’t mind a bit of repetition as you play.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Paradise Beach
Paradise Beach is a must-have for building simulation fans who are longing for a real challenge, while it is probably a no-go for people who prefer less complex games where it is not absolutely vague what you have to do to proceed in the game. Besides and certainly of major importance is the fact that the game is not a simple copy of an already existing game, but rather unique enough to provide an alternative and interesting gaming experience.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Avalon is a beautiful real time simulation game that moves away from the tropical theme of Virtual Villagers and into the realm of magic and fantasy. If you don’t mind a slightly slower pace, and have the patience to play the game slowly over time, it can prove to be a relaxing and fun diversion.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Plan it Green
It might sound a bit odd, but Plan it Green is a great way to forget real environmental problems for a few hours by solving them virtually. No matter how much you are interested in ecological issues, this game is definitely one of the strongest entry into the resource management genre since its original pioneer, Build-A-Lot.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Build-a-lot 4: Power Source
Altogether, we nevertheless strongly recommend Build-a-lot 4: Power Source, even if you have already played the three previous games. Despite some minor points of criticism the game still manages to deliver a top notch gaming experience, and you won’t feel like you have already played this three times before. Give it a shot and the game will provide you with easily more than twenty hours of intense gameplay and fun.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Wonderburg delivers a top-notch gaming experience in a unique setting which can be recommended to every fan of the genre.-8.0 from Gamezebo

Crown of Glory: Emperor’s Edition
Overall, CoG: EE is a complex game with a lot of features that can provide you with very in-depth game play—or a high level of frustration. Gamers who don’t want a steep learning curve and desire a more graphical experience would be wise to look elsewhere. But players who enjoy methodical game play that allows them to get intimate with all details from shaping their economy to determining the best strategy for their army and navy will find themselves so absorbed in Napoleonic Europe it will be difficult to turn the game off. In the end, this game is best for veterans of Crown of Glory and for those who are willing to trade off flashy graphics for a compelling and intricate game that can provide the user with a rewarding finish.- 7.9- from Armchair General

World in Conflict: Soviet Assault
If you’re a new to the game, then the Complete Edition is without question worth checking out, offering a distinct brand of real-time tactical gameplay that forgoes base building and complex resource collection in favor of immediate action and an accessible, streamlined system of reinforcement and explosive special attacks. For newbies, the extra missions in this version make an already great campaign even better. Since we’re reviewing the six new missions here, that’s what the score reflects.- 7.8 from IGN

East India Company
like East India Company for a couple of reasons. The trading model is straightforward and the presentation makes it easy to manage all the details of the empire(…)The tactical battles are enjoyable but also seem a bit too streamlined. Players who are interested in the concept or the period will definitely find a worthwhile game here.- 7.7 from IGN

Fantasy Wars: Elven Legacy
Elven Legacy is one of those titles that is made for the hardest of the hardcore strategy fan: the depth and the replayability of the game is striking, and you’ll find that upgrading your soldiers, trying to unlock bonus levels and exploiting every map can keep you busy for a very long time. However, the time restraints for each mission, the overwhelming numbers that you’ll face, and the technical issues will wear most people down, if it doesn’t keep them away entirely.- 7.7 from IGN

Spore Galactic Adventures
With the addition of Galactic Adventures the space stage feels much more complete; it was already the largest section of the game, but now it has more variety and stuff to do. At the same time, Galactic Adventures doesn’t really boost Spore’s other stages, and that’s where there’s definitely room for improvement. The Civilization stage still feels relatively cut-and-dry, and the Tribal stage resembles a rudimentary real-time strategy game. Still, Galactic Adventures does what it sets out to do in allowing for the creation and sharing of imaginative adventures. In that regards, it’s a welcome addition to Spore.- 7.7 from IGN

Majesty 2
Majesty 2 turns a number of the conventional real time strategy elements on their head by removing the direct control over your troops in favor of bounties and magic. However, while this places a larger focus on strategy, it also plays directly into some balancing issues, particularly in regards to the loads of creatures that spawn into your territory and the sudden leaps in difficulty that are very hard to compensate for. If you’re a fantasy fan or a strategy fan that’s looking for a challenge, you should check out Majesty 2. - 7.5 from IGN

Light of Altair
While Light of Altair lacks the depth of strategy stalwarts like Galactic Civilizations, its more approachable gameplay will definitely appeal to a more casual crowd, and this game serves as a great introduction to the space 4X genre (…) Fans of space-based games, city builders, and 4X titles will find a lot to like in the simplified but engrossing Light of Altair. Go towards the light, my friend.- 7.5 from Out of Eight website

Conquest! Medieval Realms
Scared by hardcore wargames? Well, Conquest! Medieval Realms might be just the game for you! Although the tutorial and online manual leave a lot to be desired, the game is easy to learn thanks to straightforward, non-random combat and simple unit relationships. The random map generator is excellent, the campaigns are long, and the editors that allow you to create custom scenarios and campaigns in addition to sculpted battlefields.(…)Conquest! is a bit less impressive overall than I initially thought because of the lack of total originality. Nevertheless, Conquest! Medieval Realms is still quite fun for novice strategy fans and different enough to warrant a purchase.7.5 from Out of Eight website

AI War: Fleet Command
I feel that AI War will ultimately appeal the most to expert strategy gamers. You can speed things up somewhat using the “fast and dangerous” mode, but AI War still offers long games for strategy veterans and those with a lot of time to invest. If you fall into that category, the sheer variety of strategies AI War boasts will draw you in: the twenty ship classes (not types, classes), randomly generated maps, range of defenses, and the diversity of behaviors the AI opponents exhibit mean replay value for this game is quite high. If you can get past the massive nature of the time involved and the size of the game, AI War has enough depth in several areas to satisfy strong strategic cravings.- 7.5 from Out of Eight website

Be A King
A well-executed casual city builder (…)Be A King is an enjoyable ride while it lasts, and it’s clear that a focus on simplicity was successfully executed here. People looking for a more straightforward approach to the genre will be pleased with Be A King- 7.5 from Out of Eight website

Space War Commander
With an asking price of twenty bucks over at DreamSpike’s website, it’s hard not to appreciate what the developers have done with Space War Commander. Uninspired title aside, the game embraces one of the most successful design philosophies of all time: take a few basic concepts and put them together in ways that create interest and complexity. It’s true that the game’s difficulty limits its potential audience, but the short missions and the variations in strategies will definitely appeal to most strategy gamers.- 7.2 from IGN

Widget TD
Overall, Widget TD is an amusing diversion. It has plenty of replay value (level editor, share custom levels with others via the interwebs, etc), and it’s reasonably challenging.- 7.0 from Gametunnel

Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
Tales of Valor is a fun addition to the Company of Heroes series, but it’s a bit overpriced at thirty dollars. The new campaigns are over before you know it, the new units have a limited impact, and direct fire is largely ineffective. The real attractions here are the three new multiplayer modes. They’re undoubtedly fun and have a lot of satisfying cooperative elements, but the focus on a single map for each mode tends to undercut their replayability. If you’re a Company of Heroes fan, wait for this one to hit twenty bucks. If you’ve never tried the games before, use that same twenty bucks to go buy the original or Opposing Fronts instead.- 7.0 from IGN

New strategy game from GasPoweredGames, makers of Supreme Commander(8.7), a mix of RTS and RPG gameplay heavily inspired by DoA mod for Warcraft3

Kharkov 1943
A realistic wargame from makers of Steel Fury (one of the best and most realistic WWII tank simulators ever made and winner of SimHQ’s best amor sim of 2008 award)

Heroes of Newerth
DOTA-inspired game from makers of Savage 2

King Arthur
An empire-building strategy game set in a medieval, mystical Britain.

Restaurant Empire 2
Sequel to a good economic sim (Restaurant Empire 1 gor 7.8 from IGN and 7.7 from Gamespot)

Untitled Napoleonic era wargame
The Lordz, a group of modders know for the excellent Napoleonic Total War I and II mods for Medieval:TW and Rome:TW is going commercial. Their game will be TotalWar-like, with deep strategy level where we’ll be able to take command of least 10 different nations as well as huge and realistic battles (with various units formations, morale system, terrain effects etc)

Field Ops
A modern RTS where you can take direct control of every individual unit. From makers of ImperiumGalactica2(8.4)

Battle Group Commander: Episode One
New hardcore realistic wargame from ProSIM (makers of BTC Commander, Air Assault Task Force and Armored Task Force, all three got 8+ scores at PCGamer, those games aren’t for everybody, but those who are into extreme depth and realism love them)

World of Battles
PvP centered MMORTS from Frogwares (makers of Sherlock Holmes series of adventure games)

Gratuitous Space Battles
2D space RTS from Positech Software (maker of Kudos and Democracy series)

Gary Grigsby’s War in the East: The German-Soviet War 1941-1945
New turnbased wargame from makers of games like World at War (8.5 at IGN) and Uncommon Valor (8.2 from IGN)

Operation Barbarossa – The Struggle for Russia
New WWII wargame in vein of Panzer General from Matrix Games.

Hotel Giant 2

Theatre of War II
Sequel to realistic WWII wargame that got 7.8 from Gamespot, the sequel will take place on African front

An ambient real-time strategy game with abstract visuals.The prototype freeware version was one of the finalists for 2009 IGF’s Seumas McNally Grand Prize.

Armada 2526
Epic 4X game from Nitronium Games, company run by R.T.Smith, a Creative Assembly veteran designer and Medieval: Total War lead designer and project manager.

A-Train 8
A-Train is a series that enjoys quite a bit of popularity among japanese gamers. Only two A-Train games were ever released in english on PC, now after 17 years of absence the series is finally coming back to english PCgaming audience

Men of War: Red Tide
Add-on to a WWII tactical game that scored 8.0 from IGN

‘Europa Universalis III: Heir to the Throne’
Third add-on to a grand strategy game which scored 8.5 from IGN

East India Company: Privateer
Expansion pack to trading game which scored 7.7 from IGN

Elven Legacy: Ranger
Add-on to 7.7(at IGN) game


Ceville is a fun, high-quality PC adventure with the additional advantage of being well-acted, well-localized and hilarious. Fans of the point-and-click shouldn’t miss it.-9.0 from IGN

As imaginative as it is polished, Machinarium is refreshing, unique, and highly recommended. Just buy it. In fact, buy a copy for a friend.- 9.0 from Adventuregamers

Time Gentlemen, Please!
Fat men in suits keep telling us that the PC is dying; grandfathers scare nippers on their knees with tales of adventure games emerging from their crypts in the twilight hours to say “boo”. However, as Time Gentlemen, Please! and a million in-form games (Violet, Slouching Towards Bedlam, etc.) prove, big publishers can’t produce the best adventures and scripts – even the Telltale titles are clunky and formulaic compared to the anarchistic invention of games like this and the Discworld. We think it’s intelligent, witty, absurd, and, at GBP 2.99 we heartily recommend it. And, for once, it’s not because we’re enormously corrupt.- 9.0 from Eurogamer

Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove
Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove isn’t the huge leap forward that Return to Ravenhearst was in terms of depth and gameplay – in fact, those who have played Return to Ravenhearst will find that a lot about Dire Grove feels familiar. But a fresh new story, original puzzles, and the introduction of video shows that the developers aren’t interested in resting on their laurels just yet.- 9.0 from Gamezebo

Wandering Willows
Unique game play, beautiful artwork, and a funny storyline with colorful characters will prove Wandering Willows a winner among adventure and sim game fans young and old. This game offers a challenge without the pressure of time constraints, and since it will likely take you at least 20 hours to complete all the quests, it’s a great value for the price.- 9.0 from Gamezebo

Emerald City Confidential
If ultra-challenging puzzles are your thing, you might be disappointed, but if you’re all about the story and characters, you should book a trip on the next available cyclone to beautiful (and dangerous) Emerald City.-8.0 from Adventuregamers

Three Cards to Midnight
If you are a fan of story-driven games, dark mysteries and psychological tales (and don’t mind a more casual style of gameplay), you won’t need a Tarot card to know that 3 Cards to Midnight is the right game for you.- 8.0 from Adventuregamers

Sherlock Holmes Versus Jack the Ripper
Sherlock Holmes Versus Jack the Ripper is a fascinating re-imagining of the Whitechapel murders. Fans of Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous consulting detective will have a blast rooting out all the Holmes references and in-jokes while adventure fans will be pulled along by the compelling story and varied range of gameplay.- 8.0 from IGN

Drawn: The Painted Tower
Drawn may not be the toughest adventure-oriented game out there, but it’s absolutely loaded with style and personality. This goes a long way. The magical world it pulls you into is strangely compelling, and you won’t want to leave until you’ve fully explored every inch of the tower and helped Iris escape. - 8.0 from Gamezebo

Les Misérables: The Game of the Book
The first installment of the Enter the Story series is a very good modern, interactive adaptation of a classic novel that stands well on its own while also hinting at greater things to come-8.0 from Adventuregamers

Dream Chronicles: The Chosen Child
The third instalment in the Dream Chronicles series, Dream Chronicles: The Chosen Child is another visually stunning Myst-like adventure that transports players into a fantasy world of fairies. Like its predecessors, the excursion is immersive and fun but over all too quickly.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Secret Files 2
Secret Files 2 is a highly-polished, enjoyable sequel that’s better than its Tunguskan predecessor in several key ways.- 8.0 from Adventuregamers

Avenue Flo
For people who don’t play many adventure games and might find themselves easily frustrated, Avenue Flo is a soft and painless (and polished, and fun) introduction to the genre. But if you already have a few adventure games under your belt then you might find this game a bit too easy, in spite of its considerable charm.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Nancy Drew: Warnings at Waverly Academy
Warnings at Waverly Academy is a fine return to form for the Nancy Drew series. The previous game in the series, Ransom of the Seven Ships, was missing a certain sparkle that is back here. It’s definitely worth a trip back to high school for this game.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Big Brain Wolf
This game will entertain some people, and drive others absolutely insane. Don’t let it deceive you with its looks: Big Brain Wolf is one tough cookie. That being said, don’t let the challenge scare you, either. It’s a fun and engaging game, and it’s one of the few games that will make you work some brain cells as you play.- 8.0 from GameTunnel

Gobliiins 4
As charming as it is bizarre, Gobliiins 4 is a quality throwback to the beloved twisted humor and weird puzzles of the original games, and one of the most likeable titles this year.-8.0 from Adventuregamers

Hidden Expedition: Devil’s Triangle
If there’s a criticism of Devil’s Triangle is that I wish there were more of it. Comparisons to Return to Ravenhearst don’t apply when it comes to length, because Devil’s Triangle is a much shorter game with fewer locations to keep track of at a time. Provided you take time to figure out all the puzzles instead of skipping them, you can expect a couple of evenings worth of gameplay. Granted, you can replay the game with some of the hidden objects in different spots. Devil’s Triangle ends with an abrupt cliffhanger ending, which sort of feels like you just bought half a game. However, if the next chapter is as good as this one it will be worth the wait.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Casebook: Episode II – The Watcher
A significant improvement over the first episode both in terms of story and gameplay, The Watcher is a must-play for mystery buffs, fans of noir/crime adventures and FMV nostalgics.-8.0 from Adventuregamers

Casebook: Episode III – Snake in the Grass
While the gameplay takes a step back from the previous episode, the storyline and filmic qualities have never been better, and Snake in the Grass will certainly please fans of the series and every adventurer in search of a gripping mystery.- from Adventuregamers

The Path
The Path incorporates some challenging ideas though refuses to draw any clear conclusions. If you’re someone who requires concrete answers, you’re not going to be happy with Tale of Tales’ effort. Coming up with interpretations of what’s going on in this twisted game world is up to you, and that’s the main reason to play. There’s little actual gameplay to speak of aside from controlling the girls from third and first-person perspectives and picking things up. There’s not much in terms of a cohesive story either, so if you’re hoping for some easily digestible narrative, you’re going to be disappointed. It’s an open structure that’s meant to be explored and experienced instead of ‘beaten.’ Is it worth picking up? Is there wisdom in a forest? One thing’s for sure, regardless of whether you love or hate The Path, you won’t forget it.-7.7 from IGN

Still Life 2
. Still Life 2 while remaining true to the spirit of the franchise, offering some interesting gameplay and wrapping the story up nicely, still fails to improve significantly on the previous title (but)the story is genuinely compelling. The gameplay is varied and the pacing is good due to the alternation between investigation and survival horror. - 7.5 from IGN

Memento Mori
If you are looking for a gripping story soaked in art and conspiracy, you’ll find it in Memento Mori, though it does comes with some strings attached. -7.0 from Adventuregamers

Mata Hari
It’s quite light on gameplay and perhaps too reliant on repetitive minigames, but the star herself is a fascinating protagonist, and fans of story-driven adventures will like the detailed background, brilliant writing and surprising plot Mata Hari has to offer.- 7.0 from Adventuregamers

Pizza Morgana: Episode 1 – Monsters and Manipulations in the Magical Forest
Whilst a lack of polish lets it down occasionally, Pizza Morgana’s debut episode still manages to be a magical little adventure which shows great promise for this episodic series. - 7.0 from Adventuregamers

Return to Mysterious Island 2
The sequel gets a little lost in its over-reaching storyline, but it’s generally worth a (second) Return to Mysterious Island, and fans of the original shouldn’t live without it. - 7.0 from Adventuregamers

Yoomurjak’s Ring
While some may not be willing to look past the lack of full localization in Yoomurjak’s Ring, the natural acting and strong filmic qualities combine with a well-written mystery to make for a lengthy, challenging, foreign-language FMV adventure.- 7.0 from Adventuregamers

Nancy Drew: Ransom of the Seven Ships
Like a working vacation without the sunburn, Ransom of the Seven Ships is a solid entry in the series thanks to a well-developed story with a wide variety of puzzles.- 7.0 from Adventuregamers

Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir
Tomb of Zojir is very similar to its predecessors, continuing the themes of eerie locales, mostly solitary explorations with well-clued and fun puzzles, and not much has changed in terms of puzzle difficulty, graphics, and voice acting. The story this time around does seem relegated more to the secondary materials, and the gameplay is unlikely to dazzle you at many points, but it still manages to provide a solid experience for fans of first-person adventures and the Last Half of Darkness series in particular. And it comes with spiders! I’ll leave it up to you to decide if that’s a good thing.- 7.0 from Adventuregamers

The Legend of Crystal Valley
The Legend of Crystal Valley is an ambitious undertaking that, in spite of having a slight “rough around the edges” feel, is an engrossing adventure with a thoughtful story and a respectable, though not quite epic, length. Adventure game fans should at least try the demo to see what it’s all about.-7.5 from Gamezebo

Ankh 3: Battle of the Gods
Similar to its predecessors, the third Ankh installment is another bright and sunny adventure that at times still manages to feel a little under-baked.-7.0 from Adventuregamers

This is more of an art experience than just a simple game. I’ve already played through it (it was out in 2008 in Poland) and I can safely say there is just no other game like it. Amazing achievement.

New indie art game from makers of Path and Graveyard

An adventure game from Stephan Martiniere(visual art director at Cyan where he worked on Uru: Ages Beyond Myst, Uru: The Path of the Shell and Myst 5), Dylan Cole(who worked on the films Superman Returns, Daredevil and The Chronicles of Riddick) and former employees from Digital Domain( James Cameron’s special effects company)

3 Cards to Dead Time
Sequel to an adventure game that scored 8.0 at Adventuregamers

Bracken Tor: The Time of Tooth and Claw
New horror adventure game from Shadow Tor Studios, makers of Barrow Hill, which got 8.0 from Adventuregamers

The Filmmaker
Indie horror adventure game from maker of Lifestream and Shady Brooks (both got 7.0 from Adventuregamers)

Treasure Island
Fully 3D adventure game from Radonlabs (who are also working on Drakensang) that will give you a chance to live through Stevenson’s cla$sic story.

Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir
Horror adventure game, sequel to Last Half of Darkness: Beyond the Spirit’s Eye(which got 7.5 from Adventuregamers)

Blackwell Convergence
Third episode in the series (previous two both got 7/10 from Adventuregamers)

Twin Sector
Action-adventure based on p

Adam’s Venture: Episode 1 – The Search for the Lost Garden
Archeological adventure game running on Unreal 3.0 engine

Chronicles of Mystery: The Tree of Life
Sequel to 7.5 adventuregame

Art of Murder 2: Hunt for the Puppeteer
Sequel to an adventure game that got 7.0 from Adventuregamers

Dark Fall: Lost Souls
Third game in the series that started the whole “indie adventure horror game” craze that brought us so many great games.

Edna and Harvey: The Breakout
An english version of one of best german adventure games of 2008 (it gathered 84% average of scores from german sites and magazines, including 83% at Adventure-Treff and 87% at Adventurecorner)

Kaptain Brawe
Indie oldschool comedy adventure game


All in all, Torchlight is a refreshing – though not revolutionary – dungeon crawler that will occupy gamers for 10-15 hours on the first run-through, and perhaps dozens more across varying difficulty levels and experiments with different character classes. The story is somewhat lacking, but not overly important when garnering quests and slaying beasts. You’ll quickly lose track of time whilst exploring the bowels of the town of Torchlight, which is lovely for your sense of satisfaction, but bad for the real life priorities you’ll likely neglect, such as eating and paying bills. The graphics are great, the music engrossing, and the gameplay addictive. While the lack of multiplayer at first tastes bitter, the single-player campaign more than makes up for it, as you really have little to lose at the meager asking price of $20.- 8.6 from IGN

Aion is a beautiful, well-polished, well-presented game that introduces a new combat mechanic in fantasy MMOs, fighting on wings. In fact, it’s such a lovely game that we wish there were more of it.- 8.5 from IGN

Eternal Eden
Nice (old-school) 2D graphics and traditional, spot-on gameplay are the draws here. Nostalgia will grab fans of the classics, but new-school gamers will be satisfied as well. Everything Eternal Eden does, while not necessarily unique, is polished and well-planned.- 8.5 from GameTunnel

Science Girls
Science Girls was a surprisingly enjoyable little game. There weren’t a lot of flaws that I could see with the game, and it stayed fun and lighthearted throughout my experience with it. It’s unique, and it’s made for anyone to enjoy: the three levels of difficulty widen the range of appeal to include hardcore RPG fans and more casual players alike.- 8.2 from GameTunnel

Fallen Earth
Fallen Earth is not trying to emulate any other franchise. It capitalizes on the holocaust nightmare scenario that permeates popular culture, but the game itself is like nothing else on the market. The steep initial learning curve will filter out all but a certain type of player. Those who give the game a chance and can handle being completely in control of their character’s destiny will find a deeply nuanced and rewarding play experience that is unique among its competitors(…) This game isn’t for everyone, and that may be the most compelling reason to try it for yourself.- 8.1 from IGN

Dark Wind
When it comes to strategic vehicular combat there has never been a game as engaging and as robust as Dark Wind.(…)Anyone who is interested in turn based strategy games, car combat, or an MMORPG that has perma death and permanent losses look no further. Now if you’ll excuse me, I looted a heavy gattling gun yesterday and I need to go slaughter some hapless victim with it.- 8.1 from GameTunnel

Even though it sounds like it may be a bit much for the more casual player, don’t let the challenge of Aztaka be a negative. A bit of perseverance, patience, planning and reflexes will grant you an excellent experience. Citeremis should be proud of their first major release, and gamers should not miss this great adventure.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Aveyond: Lord of Twilight
Like its predecessors, Aveyond: Lord of Twilight is a casual RPG that offers hours of enjoyment. True, it’s not quite long or deep as the first games, but if you’re worried about whether you’re still getting enough bang for your buck, you can put those worries to rest.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Aveyond: Gates of Night
Lord of Twilight was a decent introduction to the episodic format, but with Gates of Night the series really feels like it’s hit its stride. There were some lose ends in Lord of Twilight, like quests that couldn’t be complete, and areas that were visible but couldn’t be accessed, that Gates of Night takes care of. The result is a more satisfying and full experience.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Runes of Magic
While Runes of Magic isn’t the most polished or original MMO on the market, it does a lot of things right. The game is deep enough to appeal to hardcore veterans, yet is also flexible and addictive enough to appeal to more casual fans. If you’re seeking a game to scratch your primitive level grinding and loot hording itch, Runes of Magic is precisely what the doctor ordered. In addition, the game offers a wide breadth of options to the player who desires to seek it out. At its worst, Runes of Magic is a solid, by-the-books affair. At its best, Runes of Magic is a surprisingly deep game and is a great showcase for what a free-to-play MMO can be. Check it out; what do you have to lose?-7.9 from IGN

Drakensang: The Dark Eye
When you consider the thirty-dollar price tag, Drakensang seems like an easy recommendation for most fans of single player RPGs. There’s certainly a lot of content and characters here so from a purely quantitative point of view, it’s well worth the investment. The fact that it looks and sounds good makes it an even easier decision.-7.6 from IGN

The Chronicles of Spellborn
While The Chronicles of Spellborn is certainly a fun game, it has a very casual feeling about it. The sort of game that you can readily put away without having to get “just one more kill”. There’s a lot of solo content at your disposal, enough to make your way to the Level 50 cap. But the thought of doing it all over again with a new character isn’t particularly on my to-do list, and a lack of PvP content and epic battles will likely turn off hardcore players.-7.5from IGN

Dark Souls
While not the BEST RPG out there, if you’re an RPG aficionado, you’ll find yourself parting with twenty dollars and feeling completely fine with it. The strong characters and the impressive battles define Dark Souls, and are sure to make fans swoon.- 7.4 from GameTunnel

Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate
Despite a few key problems, the Mysteries of Westgate was an enjoyable experience overall. Yes, the mask is inconsequential except as a topic of conversation and the story sometimes seems to lose its focus, but the quests are enjoyable and the opportunity for real roleplaying abounds. At ten bucks it’s priced to move for ardent fans of the Neverwinter Nights series.-7.0from IGN

SF action RPG from Clockstone, makers of Avencast

Not the Time for Dragons

Fort Zombie
Action RPG from Kerberos Productions, makers of Sword of the Stars(7.7 from IGN)

With Fire and Sword
A Mount and Blade spin-off RPG set in Poland during the 17th Century.

Warrior Epic

Kivi’s Underworld
A casual hack and slash game from makers of Depths of Peril

King’s Bounty: The Armored Princess
First add-on.

Dungeon Party
MMORPG from Cyanide Studios, makers of Loki (7.0 from GS), Chaos League and upcoming Blood Bowl.

Wizard 101
MMORPG from KIngIsle Entertainment, a company formed by Tom Hall (co founder of both ID Software and ION Storm)

Hardcore MMORPG from guys who previously did the cult classics like Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol and Demise: Rise of the Ku’tan

Epic space opera RPG by LogicFactory, makers of ToneRebellion(8.1)


Digital Combat Simulator: Black Shark
Pure, unadulterated flight simming nirvana. Deeper than the last ten PC game releases combined, giving a level of satisfaction that is impossible to find in more accessible games.(…)One of the finest flight sims ever to hit the PC.- 9.2 from IGN

Vehicle Simulator
Vehicle Simulator is exactly what I expected: a mostly successful combination of Virtual Sailor and Micro Flight. Vehicle Simulator is not quite on the same level as big-budget flight sims, but considering the custom content angle of the game, I suspect Vehicle Simulator will grow into a more complete product as time goes on.
- 7.5 from Out of Eight website

Rail Simulator 2: RailWorks
Did you spend hours working with model trains when you were younger? Are you entranced with the romantic ideals of the locomotive? Are you a fan of the ultra-realistic sim as it applies to a railed mode of transportation? If you answered yes to any of these questions, RailWorks outwardly promises a fun and fulfilling — and accurate — future overflowing with new opportunities. If not, you may want to skip this one, despite its well-crafted ambience.- 7.0 from IGN

Rise of Flight
A WWI sim.

Over Flander Fields Phase 3
Add-on that transforms Combat Flight Simulator 3 into one of the very best (if not THE best) WWI sims ever made

Steel Fury Add-on
Add-on to Steel Fury (one of the best and most realistic WWII tank simulators ever made and winner of SimHQ’s best amor sim of 2008 award)

Ace of Aces
Arcade-sim made by Mad Otter games, a small indie company made of Dynamix veterans, headed by Damon Slye(co-founder of Dynamix and lead designer of Aces of the Pacific, Aces Over Europe, Red Baron and A-10 Tank Killer). And if you enjoyed any of those games, you will love Ace of Aces

Lore: Aftermatch
Follow up tpo Dark Horizons: Lore, a mech sim that has 74% average at GR

The Tomorrow War
A space sim based on the trilogy of novels written by a famous Russian author, Alexander Zorich.

Yankee Air Pirate 2
A sim that recreates actual missions from Air War in Southeast Asia, designed by people who actualy flew in those missions.

Evochron Legends


Plants vs. Zombies
From the moment we saw the bizarre music video for Plants vs. Zombies we knew we wanted to play this game. The end product is really fantastic and stands right up there with PopCap’s other hits like Peggle and Bejewelled. It has that elusive “special something” that gets its hooks in you and convinces you to forego food, sleep, and other essentials just to see what the next level has in store. If you’ve never played a tower defense game before, this is the one you should try. And if you’re sick to death of tower defense games, this one’s gonna bring you back into the fold.-9.0from IGN

Enlightenus from Blue Tea Games is a creative, richly-textured game that offers an excellent combination of hidden object and adventure in a lighthearted, inspiring story. With 14 hidden object scenes and over a dozen magical rooms to explore, Enlightenus provides challenge without being overwhelming. - 9.0 from Gamezebo

Artist Colony
After spending nearly a week with Artist Colony, the similarities to Virtual Villagers are merely cosmetic. This engrossing single-player game stands on its own merit and proves to be highly enjoying and gratifying twist on the simulation genre. (…)This surprisingly deep and enjoyable game is well worth your time and money, especially if you’re a fan of people simulations. The unique concept is well-designed and successfully executed, and should provide many engaging hours of fun.- 9.0 from Gamezebo

Women’s Murder Club: A Darker Shade of Grey
A smart, inventive and thoroughly entertaining game. If you feel like every hidden object game you’ve played recently is indistinguishable from the one you played before, you’ll be thrilled at how refreshingly different A Darker Shade of Grey is. Even if you don’t consider yourself a fan of the genre, the mystery and puzzles are more than enough to keep you playing right up to the very end. -9.0 from Gamezebo

Campfire Legends: The Hookman
There is some good news for those who want more though: Campfire Legends: The Hookman is the first of an upcoming trilogy. With a stunning soundtrack, gorgeous artwork, handmade environments, and memorable gameplay, this is an outstanding title. The most amazing thing about this game? This is the very first hidden object title created and developed by GameHouse Studio Eindhoven (the Netherlands-based studio formerly known as Zylom). One can only hope there’s more where that came from, but prospects look promising.- 9.0 from Gamezebo

City Sights: Hello, Seattle!
Hello, Seattle! may seem like it’s a short game, but that’s only because you’ll find it so hard to stop playing it. It’s a wonderful take on the genre, and an enjoyable tour of a beautiful city, too. The achievements add an extra level of challenge for pros who want to test their hidden object might, but all hidden object game fans will enjoy this one.- 9.0 from Gamezebo

Nancy Drew Dossier: Resorting to Danger
Other than one difficult puzzle, Resorting to Danger! keeps all the great features of the first title and builds on a great formula. Do no hesitate to take a trip to the spa with Nancy, but be sure to watch your back!- 9.0 from Gamezebo

Coconut Queen
Coconut Queen is an ambitious, humorous and wonderful game, which is worth a try for every gamer, no matter of his or her general preferences. The game scores top grades in story, graphics, length, variety, innovation and the level of difficulty, and there is not much more anyone can ask for. Visit the lovely, yet slightly chaotic island and meet the angry monkey today!- 9.0 from Gamezebo

Burger Shop 2
It’s safe to say that if you liked Burger Shop, you’re going to love Burger Shop 2. The fast-paced assembly-line time management game is just as fun as the original and, like any good sequel, expands on the formula with additional levels and fun new twists like extra dishes, characters and trophies. (…)As long as you don’t mind your time management games a little on the frantic side, Burger Shop 2 is a must-download.- 9.0 from Gamezebo

Shop-n-Spree is just about everything you’d want in a game. It successfully blends two popular genres (hidden object and time management) around a theme that most people love to do (shopping) with charming graphics to boot. Roll in a story about the underdog standing up to a Big Bad Corporation, and you have a bona fide hit on your hands.(…)The bottom line, though, is that Shop-n-Spree is one of those wonderfully creative, charming and challenging titles that is just so much fun to play.- 9.0 from GameZebo

Westward IV: All Aboard
Aside from a slow start and some minor design issues, Westward IV: All Aboard is a great strategy adventure that is a lot of fun, provided you can slog through the first hour or so of play. If you’re able to do this, you’re in for what is one of the most charming strategy games to come along in a while, and will find yourself madly in love with soon afterwards.- 9.0 from Gamezebo

Escape the Museum 2
Regardless of minor quibbles, Escape the Museum 2 is a fun and entertaining hidden object adventure, with attractive hand-drawn scenes, good pacing, and a pleasing story arc that actually has a satisfying ending (as opposed to one of those darn cliff-hangers). The game clocks in at perhaps five hours or so, so length is about average for a game of this type. Hidden object adventure fans can download this one with confidence.- 9.0 from Gamezebo

Luxor Adventures
Overall, Luxor Adventures is one of the more polished, fun and challenging HOGs we’ve played over the past few months. The value proposition is also high given the fact you get multiple game types (and individual modes) in one package, too. Be sure to download the free trial to start saving the world…one click at a time.- 9.0 from Gamezebo

Delicious – Emily’s Taste of Fame
Delicious – Emily’s Taste of Fame is a truly wonderful game for anyone: young or old, new to the series or well-acquainted, and has rightfully proven itself as one of the best time management titles released yet.- 9.0 from Gamezebo

Cate West – The Velvet Keys
Cate West: The Velvet Keys beautifully shows that players should expect more from hidden object games than just a jumble of junk and a shopping list. It’s a long, smart, extremely polished game that sets the standard for the genre. Developers should look on Velvet Keys with a mixture of fear and awe, because it’s a yardstick by which future hidden object games should be judged.-9.0 from Gamezebo

Chocolatier: Decadence by Design
Highly polished business simulation. Thought-provoking gameplay. Great story, characters and environments. Many different kinds of recipes- 9.0 from GameZebo

Crayon Physics Deluxe
This is such a simple yet brilliant puzzle game that anyone can pick up and enjoy. Needless to say, it’s a great game for kids as well as adults. Granted, it’s not the most challenging puzzle game ever made, but there’s a rare charm and a joy to it. You may think you’re too old for crayons, but give this game a chance and within no time you’ll be transported to your youth, grinning once more at the possibilities in front of you.- 8.8 from IGN . The game also won Independent Games Festival 2008 Seumas McNally Grand Prize

lThe small team at Hemisphere has crafted an alluring, captivating experience that is a nice change of pace from the frantic action videogames often provide. It well deserves the Direct2Drive Vision Award it received at this year’s Independent Game Festival (full disclosure: IGN owns Direct2Drive). Even though Osmos is relaxing, that doesn’t mean you won’t find a nice challenge. But even the early stages are nice to play around in, lazily swimming about and becoming the big fish in the pond. There is a long list of games Osmos bears something in common with: flOw, Asteroids, Katamari Damacy… But it emerges as its own thing, and definitely deserves a look.- 8.5 from IGN

Funky Farm 2: Farm Fresh
A slick combination of click- and money-management (…) people looking for something beyond a basic click-management game should check out Funky Farm 2.- 8.5 from Out of Eight website

Bookworm Adventures 2
PopCap is one of the most consistent developers around, and Bookworm Adventures 2 is another quality, breezy puzzle game (with RPG elements). Its sense of humor is pretty cheesy, but that just seems to add to its charm. What it lacks in serious challenge, it makes up for in length. The experience is a slow, gradual incline, tossing more and more items and tougher and tougher bad guys at you at a leisurely pace — as if it knows you’re not in any hurry to complete the game. Appropriately, digging into this adventure is like settling into a good long book.- 8.3 from IGN

Boonka offers a fresh look at a packed genre. Don’t let the cutesy graphics fool you. This is a robust match-three that stacks up against any of them, and will hopefully Super Crushka its way into your casual game library.- 8.0 from GameZebo

Women’s Murder Club 3: Twice in a Blue Moon
Twice in a Blue Moon provides an excellent assortment of hidden object searching and puzzle solving, while maintaining a realistic atmosphere and some genuine tension. - 8.0 from Gamezebo

Princess Isabella: A Witch’s Curse
Princess Isabella: A Witch’s Curse is a little strange (one of the items I had to find was a “twisted neck”) and seems to have something against snakes (the game considers them “evil”), but its healthy variety of well-crafted puzzles and hidden object searches make for a challenging and creative fairy tale.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

I’ve been working through many hidden object games lately so I have plenty of recent titles with which to compare this one, and Gardenscapes is easily one of my current favorites. I just wish it lasted a little longer.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville
PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville is as masterfully constructed as one of its mechanical puppets, creating an atmosphere of dread and foreboding with just a few journal entries and cleverly staged scenes. Its dark tale is perfect for Halloween, and leaves the door wide open for a sequel that will hopefully be coming sooner rather than later. It’s a bit on the short side, unfortunately, but if you enjoy all things spooky and creepy, you’re sure to love every minute you spend in Joyville. - 8.0 from Gamezebo

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season
The only thing which might be a tad disappointing about Delicious: Emily’s Holiday Season is that it is not as innovative as the previous game of the series. But on the other hand, why change a wonderful game just for the sake of change? The game is simply heaven for anyone who has a thing for time management games, and we definitely cannot wait for the next part of this fun series. Get in the mood for the holidays and enjoy the remaining time with this entertaining game.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Amazing Adventures The Caribbean Secret
The Amazing Adventure games have all been excellent, and Caribbean Secret is no exception. From the music to the visuals, everything has been polished to perfection. The setting isn’t exactly hard on the eyes, either – if you’re going to go poking around the landscape, it may as well be the gorgeous landscape of tropical islands. And be ready to spend plenty of time there, because even without the unlockable game modes, Caribbean Secret is a large game. Amazing Adventures: The Caribbean Secret is the yardstick by which the hidden object genre should measure itself. It gets absolutely everything right. Treat yourself and play this game. - 8.0 from Gamezebo

Hidden Magic
Truly, I haven’t enjoyed a HOG game like this in a long time – and this reviewer plays his fair share of them on a weekly basis. True, the combat mechanic might not be for everyone, plus the game can get quite tough about half-way through the main game, but between its many gameplay elements, multiple modes and great production values (including an exceptional music soundtrack), you couldn’t find a better way to spend a few evenings.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Valerie Porter and the Scarlet Scandal
Though every aspect of Valerie Porter’s gameplay is incredibly well-executed, it’s the story that will keep you playing. The writing and acting are both top notch, spinning
out an intriguing mystery with twists and turns aplenty. You’ll keep clicking through level after level, just to find out what happens next. Hopefully we’ll see more from Valerie in the future.
- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Natalie Brooks: Mystery at Hillcrest High
The full version of Natalie Brooks: Mystery at Hillcrest High sprawls over ten chapters, which should each take around thirty minutes to complete. The twists, turns, and complicated puzzle-solving make it a satisfying download for any player who is inclined to enjoy object hunting or Nancy Drew-style super-sleuthing. Be warned, though, that Mystery at Hillcrest High has absolutely no replay value. Solving the mystery is lots of fun, but once you’ve beaten it there’s no reason to play the game again. You’ll probably find yourself yearning for Natalie’s next adventure instead.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Elementals: The Magic Key
Elementals: The Magic Key is a great little hidden object/puzzle/strategy game for kids, and just the sort of game that cash-strapped parents working through our troubled economy might want to consider instead of investing in pricey consoles and their $60 software.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Treasures of the Serengeti
Beautifully crafted, both visually and in terms of the gameplay itself, Treasures of the Serengeti takes an unusual set of ideas and really runs with them. The game’s familiar puzzle concepts are blended in such a fresh and interesting way that it’s impossible not to get hooked once you start playing. Early levels ease you into learning how the game works, though things really get challenging and frantic as you progress deeper into the adventure. This keeps the gameplay from growing dull. What a pleasant surprise this one turned out to be. - 8.0 from Gamezebo

Hidden World of Art 2: Undercover Art Agent
Overall though, Hidden World of Art 2 is an excellent title that complex I-Spy and hidden object veterans and artists alike will adore. The gameplay is fun, it’s challenging, it’s involving, it’s long, and the sheer artistic nature and introduction of classic pieces to gamers is original, with execution being thoroughly well-done. Thumbs up to Meridian93.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Reincarnations: Awakening
Despite the drawbacks this is still a charming title with a wide variety of puzzles. The game may seem short to some due to the fact that hints are so readily available and puzzles may be skipped, but overall it’s a good length with a nice pace, and chances are you’d be getting your money’s worth out of this title.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Romance of Rome
Romance of Rome is one of the most challenging hidden object games you’ll ever play, but not in a cheap or aggravating way. I wish there had been more strategy to gaining status – you simply buy every item in the store at the end of the chapter – but overall it’s still a fun and rewarding experience.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Jojo’s Fashion Show World Tour
In a nutshell, Jojo’s Fashion Show World Tour is incredibly cool. It’s impossible to put down, with great production values and a completely engaging fashion theme. If you’re looking for a time management game with real fashion and lots of excitement, this is one game you shouldn’t miss. - 8.0 from Gamezebo

Treasure Seekers 2: The Enchanted Canvases
Treasure Seekers 2: The Enchanted Canvases doesn’t offer anything new or startling, but it’s a fun, well-designed game that most players will enjoy. - 8.0 from Gamezebo

G.H.O.S.T. Chronicles: Phantom of the Renaissance
Phantom of the Renaissance Faire is a beautifully done, smart game that masterfully accommodates a variety of skill levels and is still fun even on your second playthrough. (If you played on the easier setting the first time, switch to the harder version for your second try. It’s a completely different experience.) Hunting down the hint fairies is a fun mini-game by itself – you’ll find yourself revisiting scenes just to track down the fairy you missed, whether you actually need her help or not. If you’re looking for just the right mixture of puzzles and hidden objects, this is the game for you.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Magic Encyclopedia: Moon Light
Shortcomings aside, this game should satiate fans of HOGs and adventure games. If you’re a fan of the series then you most certainly won’t be disappointed in this sequel – and be sure to keep a few extra bucks in your pocket for the fall when the third game in this franchise will be available.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Kuros has smart puzzles, gorgeous graphics, amusing characters and decent voice acting. It’s a wonderfully entertaining journey and it’s over far, far too quickly.-8.0 from Gamezebo

That’s really what it comes down to in BumbleTales – the loveable, bulbous Bumbles themselves. BumbleTales’ gameplay isn’t significantly different from any other match-three game you’ve ever tried, but its cast of characters are so charming and endearing that you’ll simply enjoy having them around.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Vampire Saga: Pandora’s Box
Vampire Saga: Pandora’s Box is among the few games where you think you know what’s going to happen before the game pitches you a very sharp twist, and one of the few that pulls off an ending that really leaves you speechless and wondering what’s going to happen next. Combine that with unique environments and suspense, and you’ve got your money’s worth.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Zuma’s Revenge
Did you enjoy Zuma? Of course you did, and you’ll enjoy Zuma’s Revenge; just don’t expect a reinvention of the wheel. And if you haven’t played Zuma: welcome to our planet. Can I interest you in a fun match-three game?- 8.0 from IGN

Age of Oracles: Tara’s Journey
Age of Oracles: Tara’s Journey is a long, gorgeous, well-crafted adventure, with beautifully-constructed hidden object levels and creative puzzles. It can feel a bit repetitious at times, but it should please any hidden object fan.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Gemini Lost
Gemini Lost can be dangerously addictive, though there isn’t much reason to return to it once you’ve completed the game. That said, there are scores of tasks to accomplish that truly make you feel like the hard work you’ll pour into keeping your townspeople alive and well is worth the effort. Ultimately, this is what will keep you coming back until the job is done.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Kitchen Brigade
Kitchen Brigade has any faults, it’s that we’ve seen it all before. We’ve played kitchen management and clicking minigames. However, Kitchen Brigade manages to put them together into something genuinely fresh and fun. If you’re into time management, then step into the kitchen and get cooking!- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Sprill and Ritchie: Adventures in Time
Spril and Ritchie would be a welcome addition to the game collection of any HOG or adventure gamer of any age. Overall, an excellent title I hope to see more of in the future.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Pure Hidden
Pure Hidden is a gem of a game, a seamless blending of artistic appeal and enjoyable gameplay. It may draw from the same sources as other “HOG”s, but there’s nothing else quite like it- 8.0 from Gamezebo

My Kingdom for the Princess
My Kingdom for the Princess is a really fun diversion, with easy to learn rules, yet lots of opportunities to form strategies. It offers plenty of hours of entertainment in a simple resource management framework, making it an impressive casual game.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Kelly Green: Garden Queen
All in all we highly recommend everyone to give it a try, because there is no clearer sign for a high-class game than a reviewer searching for flaws with a magnifier, yet still without success. Kelly Green: Garden Queen definitely sets a new standard when it comes to farming games, and earns high grades in every aspect that is important for a game.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

DinerTown Detective Agency
We found the game enjoyable with its multiple game-play elements, cute stories and characters, and few game modes. At the very least, fans of HOGs or adventure games should download and play the free 60-minute trial.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Musaic Box
I highly recommend you give Musaic Box a try. Both the puzzle and music game genres are filled with copycats and me-too games, but Musaic Box marries those two categories and creates something unique. Sure, the public domain midi tunes can sound cheap and cheesy. But you still get a feeling of satisfaction when you’ve finally got “When the Saints Go Marching In” up and running. Musaic Box is available from- 8.0 from IGN

Paradise Quest
Infinitely greater than the sum of its parts, we’ll nonetheless be honest: Paradise Quest can get repetitious, and won’t truly wow so much as surprise and delight. But it’s obvious that creator I-Play rolled out the red carpet for this production, and it shows, with desktop veterans, wide-eyed newcomers and Mother Nature lovers of all ages the clear beneficiaries. All due respect given…- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch
Uneven though it may be, Golden Touch works hard to make it up to you. It has a pleasant hand-drawn art style, great music, and is quite lengthy, even for pros. You may scratch your head at some of its wacky leaps of logic, but still find yourself charmed, just the same.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Winemaker Extraordinaire
Winemaker Extraordinaire is definitely a recommendable game for both fans of and newcomers to the genre. The quest to help Maria bringing her family business up to its former glory is undeniably entertaining and compelling. It is up to you to find out if this wine is to your taste.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Lost in the City
Lost in the City may be an uneven experience, but it’s certainly never boring. The story keeps you guessing and the atmosphere of conspiracy and dread it creates will have you thinking twice about accepting a cup of coffee from anyone. It may ultimately leave some questions unanswered, but its journey is an unusual and intriguing one.-8.0 from Gamezebo

Flux Family Secrets: The Ripple Effect
In spite of a few nitpicks here and there, chock up another enjoyable, if not entirely original, hidden object / adventure game hybrid in Flux Family Secrets: The Ripple Effect.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

, Annabel is a highly enjoyable hidden-object puzzler that takes a chance on a different approach and succeeds. It might not be for everyone ? especially those who get motion sickness easily ? but the clever gameplay, many mini-games, story and production values all make this a recommended pick for fans of the “HOG” genre.-8.0 from Gamezebo

Curse of the Pharoah: The Quest for Nefertiti
Napolean’s Secret takes a fresh approach to the stale hidden object genre by placing the emphasis on spot-the-difference levels, rather than item searches (…)Even though Napolean’s Secret goes a bit easier on the player than it really needs to, it’s still a very well-done game that’s far more challenging and polished than the vast majority of hidden object games currently available. -8.0 from Gamezebo

Unwell Mel
Unwell Mel is a great addition to any game collection. It is challenging, clever, and guaranteed to keep you laughing at Mel’s hilarious disorders such as “Luck B. Malady”, “Ringaround A. Cholera” and “Midlife Psoriasis.” Also, with easily over 30 hours of gameplay offered in two modes, this game is a great investment. - 8.0 from Gamezebo

Sunset Studio – Love on the High Seas
You’ll spend quite a lot of time with Sunset Studio: Love on the High Seas, and enjoy every minute of it. -8.0from Gamezebo

Yard Sale Hidden Treasures: Lucky Junction
Yard Sale Hidden Treasures: Lucky Junction is great fun, and pretty long, too, especially once you unlock Tour Mode by finishing the game.-8.0from Gamezebo

Sea Journey
Sea Journey is not just another clone. The fantastic atmosphere and the exciting battles are well worth a try, obviously even for people like me, who generally associate match-3-games with boredom. It is interesting to see that games of this genre can work even better without time pressure. In particular, gamers who really enjoyed Puzzle Quest should play Sea Journey, since the basic premise of both games is the same, while the games are strongly different. Set sails, catch a parrot and make the best of this dangerous journey.-8.0 from Gamezebo

The Serpent of Isis
If you enjoy the kind of hidden object game that mixes in some other types of puzzles as well, then The Secret of Isis shouldn’t disappoint.-8.0 from Gamezebo

Reincarnations: Awakening
Despite the drawbacks this is still a charming title with a wide variety of puzzles. The game may seem short to some due to the fact that hints are so readily available and puzzles may be skipped, but overall it’s a good length with a nice pace, and chances are you’d be getting your money’s worth out of this title.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Conga Bugs
GameTantra’s colorful little Conga Bugs stands out in the crowded marble blasting genre, but not for any one reason. Rather, its mixture of better-than-average graphics, minor but compelling innovations, and fun extras combine to create a game that, while not particularly original, is nonetheless highly engaging casual entertainment.(…) It may not be particularly pioneering, but it’s one of the most polished and flat-out fun marble blasters I’ve played.- 8.0 from GameZebo

Faerie Solitaire
The game’s simplicity and rudimentary artistic design aside, there’s well over a dozen hours of content here. And since there is an inherent randomness to each hand, replay value is very high. Simply put, Faerie Solitaire gives you plenty of solitaire for your buck.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

QuantZ’s creative gameplay and fresh twist on the match-three puzzle genre have the potential to keep you locked in its grasp for quite some time. With three distinctly different ways to play, there’s a lot of varied content to dig into. It also boasts an impressively stylish and well-composed presentational flair that goes far above and beyond the call of duty. Prepare for many hours of marble bursting fun.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

3Tones is a marvelous breath of fresh air in a well-worn genre. Whether you’re a fan of music or of great puzzle games, don’t turn a deaf ear to this one.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Ragdoll Cannon
’m not ashamed to admit that I found sick pleasure in firing the ragdolls at whatever I could, watching the bodies pile up, and chuckling as their interactive environment fall into chaos, even if I ended up having to restart the level.(…)-out, kind of like they just wanted to screw with your head. The game is a pick-up and play game, and it has significant replay value (beat your score—which becomes an obsession), all on top of the fact that there are tons of levels: 170, to be exact.- 7.9 from Gametunnel

Heartwild Solitaire
The biggest draw to Heartwild Solitaire is the story. Many times, I wanted to yell at the protagonist. She certainly has interesting taste in men. It was the story which really drove me to keep playing. If you set the story aside, the game play itself is fairly typical. There are a lot of solitaire games out there, and the mechanics work in much the same way. If you’re not a person that likes a good story, or if you don’t care for the nature of this particular story, the game might have limited appeal. Still, it’s fair to say that Heartwild Solitaire is a very interesting game. I wanted to keep playing in order to learn how the story progressed. At the same time, though, it’s definitely a mature game, and not one for kids or sensitive readers.- 7.5 from GameZebo

Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
I only wish that Adventures of Robinson Crusoe was a little longer, since it clocked in at around 3 hours for me. Overall, though, it’s a decent hidden object game with some clever and thoughtful twists- 7.5 from GameZebo

Bad Rats
Bad Rats is a good puzzle game. While the basics of the game have been done numerous times before, triggering events using contraptions and physics, the unique rat abilities and unnecessary feline violence make the game stand ou(…)Puzzle fans should certainly check out this title for a very small monetary investment.- 7.5 from Out of Eight website

Nick Chase: A Detective Story
verall, though, HOG and adventure fans should feel this game is worth the investment. Some mini-games accessible from the main menu (and different than the ones during the game) add some replayability, too, including clever clones of Pong and Breakout (a.k.a. Arkanoid). Be sure to download Nick Chase to “investigate” its worth during the free trial.- 7.5 from GameZebo

Sliding puzzles appeal to a certain kind of puzzle fan, one who will dedicate a large amount of time to arranging the pieces to ensure that the picture or numbers work exactly the way they’re supposed to. Cogs will definitely appeal to these players, with a large number of puzzles and three modes that can keep players rather busy. However, the extreme difficulty, coupled with the lack of a hint system, makes Cogs more of a diversion that you’ll probably move on from quickly than something that you’ll sink a lot of time into.-7.3 from IGN

Youda Farmer
If you like your time management games fast and hectic, and have the reflexes to prove it, then give Youda Farmer a try. It certainly looks great and, once you’ve hit on the right strategy, plays great as well.- 7.0 from GameZebo

Unique music puzzle game. You can already check out the early demo on it’s official site.

Guitar Rising
A Guitar Hero- like game, only instead of a plastic guitar with buttons, a real guitar is used (by being plugged into the microphone jack) to play.

Deep Blue Sea
Casual puzzle game from The Game Equation( new studio formed by people who previously worked on Hitman series)

Casual puzzle game from The Game Equation( new studio formed by people who previously worked on Hitman series)

One of the coolest freeware games of recent Global Game Jamis now being turned into full game

New fluid-centered puzzle game from makers of The Odyssey: Winds of Athena(8.0 from Gametunnel)

Venture Dinosauria
Third in Pocketwatch’s series.The first one (Venture Africe) was Independent Games Festival finalist, the second one (Venture Artic) won GameTunnel’s Sim of the Year Award.

Crystal Cave
Puzzler from Rake in Grass, makers of JetNGuns (8.5 from GameTunnel), Archibald’s Adventures (8.3 from GameTunnel)

Kitten Sanctuary
Cute puzzler from Pi Eye Games, makers of Scavenger (7.8 from GameTunnel), Darkside (GameTunnel’s 2007 Action Game of the Year) and System Mania (7.0 from GameTunnel)


Armed Assault 2
ArmA II is more engaging and polished than its predecessors (although you could argue that being more polished than ArmA I doesn’t require much of an improvement). The graphics are quite fantastic all around: Chernarus is a great setting filled with lots of subtle touches to create plausible surroundings.(…) ArmA II is better off when released than ArmA I was, so the large contingent of gamers looking for a realistic military simulation should not be disappointed.- 8.5 from Out of Eight website

AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! – A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! – A Reckless Disregard for Gravity is a great action game thanks to its distinctive premise, robust map designs, and challenging difficulty.(…)You’ll know in the first minute of playing whether AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! – A Reckless Disregard for Gravity is right for you, and if it’s not, you are clearly a communist. The high-speed precision of AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! – A Reckless Disregard for Gravity demonstrates the game’s unmatched gameplay experience.- 8.5 from Out of Eight website

Americas Army 3

My experience with America’s Army 3 has been very rewarding thus far. It feels like the game has an older, more mature player base than what you’d encounter in a contemporary console shooter, and it’s a game that will appeal to those who like realism and tactics. With that said, there are still plenty of problems, such as glitchy animations and weapons bugs, and the entire game could probably get a tightening of its network code to reduce lag. Still, it’s hard to argue with the experience or the price (which is free). This is a shooter that’s more intelligent than most and that requires more teamwork and coordination, but that makes the rewards of success that much more enjoyable.- 8.4 from IGN

Zeno Clash
It’s safe to say that Zeno Clash wouldn’t work as a big budget game from an established studio; it’s far too different from convention, which would mean it’s far too risky a project for them. But it’s a perfect example of how some of the best and most original ideas are coming out of independent teams that have talent and passion and can take risk because they’re not gambling with tens of millions of dollars. Zeno Clash sticks with you long after you play it, and that’s a compliment many games aspire to have associated with them.-8.4 from IGN

And Yet It Moves
And Yet It Moves cements Broken Rules’ status as a developer to watch. Expect big things from these guys. While it’s only a few hours long, And Yet It Moves is one of the most addictive and refreshing games I’ve played this year. If you’ve been wondering what innovation is left to be explored in 2D platformers, spend some time in this bizarre world. The game empowers the player and lets us perform crazy stunts that have heretofore been impossible. My one complaint is that there isn’t quite enough gameplay here to justify the $15 price tag. But, hey, what other game lets you trick a chimpanzee into throwing feces at itself?-8.4 from IGN

Battlefield Heroes
The real verdict is that Battlefield Heroes is a lively and dynamic version of the series stripped down to the undeniably appealing essentials. By eliminating all the complexity and distraction that has invaded the Battlefield series over the last seven years, the designers here have proven just how solid the fundamentals are — two teams, a few vehicles and a couple of flags. What more could you ask for? Considering the price tag, nothing.- 8.0 from IGN

Mevo and the Grooveriders
While the game “borrows” heavily from popular rhythm games on consoles, it adds a fun story, adorable characters and memorable worlds. Mevo and the Grooveriders is wacky, addictive and challenging, and is sure to amuse and entertain for many toe-tappingly hours.- 8.0 from Gamezebo

Killing Floor
It may not have gotten the attention that other high profile shooters have received, but Killing Floor is a fun game for up to six players to enjoy as they blast mutated creatures to bits. While the single-player experience is pretty much non-existent and there are still a large number of bugs that have to be contended with, there’s enough of a foundation here for players to enjoy. Hop online and kill monsters for Queen and Country.-7.5from IGN

Gridrunner Revolution
A number of things make Gridrunner Revolution stand out against the typical arcade shooter: the distinctive graphics and sound, bouncing off enemies to avoid dying, switching ship types, and the exaggerated use of sheep.(…)Gridrunner Revolution is actually pretty different from Gridrunner++ (I downloaded the demo), although it uses some of the same sound effects, and doesn’t suffer from sequel syndrome. The graphics and sound are trippy, and although they can negatively impact the gameplay, they do make for a distinctive look and feel. Fans of arcade shooters will find an approachable and unique game made so by several distinctive features.- 7.5 from OutofEight website

Caster is a game with distinctly more advantages than pitfalls and provides a couple of hours of good blasting fun.- 7.5 from Out of Eight website

Shattered Horizon
Muliplayer FPS that takes place in zero gravity setting from Futuremark

Zombie Shooter 2
Sequel to a game that was GameTunnel’s runner up for Action GOTY 2008

Blueberry Garden
A fairytale made out of play, set in an ever-changing ecosystem. Fly away through the clouds, explore a strange world and uncover the mysteries of Blueberry Garden ? your presence could make all the difference.One of finalists for 2009 Independent Games Festival’s Seumas McNally Grand Prize.

Grappling Hook
Indie first-person puzzler

Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Sequel to a stealth game that got 8.0 from IGN

FinnWars 2
Commercial follow-up to one of best Battlefield1942 mods ever made.

Physics based action puzzler.

Quake Live
Freeware ad-supported version of Quake 3 playable through web browsers.

Fallen Empire: Legions
Garagegames ( company formed by ex-Dynamix people, responsible for Tribes 1 and 2) are finally making a successor to Tribes.

Cortex Command
Amazing team-based combat game with great graphics and wicked physics. It was the first Indiegamer blog’s Game of the Month

Gish 2
A sequel to one of best 2D platformers of last 5 years( 8.2 at GS, IGF Game of the year 2005 winner)

Innovative FPS from ( small team most well known for Carnivores(7.1) and Carnivores 2(7.3) )

Black Sky
Open ended StarControl2 like game

Indie platformer

Zombie Driver
Car combat game from the team that made D.I.P.R.I.P mod for HL2

TPP post apocalyptic action game from Creoteam(new team formed mostly by ex Crytek and Frogwares guys)


Football Manager 2010
In short FM2010 isn’t an evolutionary step in the series. Instead it’s merely an incredibly well produced update. SI has lovingly polished the FM bodywork, added some spoilers, alloys and a couple of PS3s in the passenger seats, but underneath it’s the same engine. Luckily under the hood everything is in full working order; for detail and realism FM2010 is – as usual – in a league of its own. It’s the stat-heavy beast beloved by millions of PC Gamers, but prettier, more accessible and with some ingenious new tweaks. - 9.3 from IGN

Football Manager Live
Football Manager Live may not be quite the MMO Football Manager experience that diehard FM fans have been longing for, but in terms of creating a widely accessible yet still tactical and immersive MMO management game, Sports Interactive has done a fine job. Whether there’s enough here to maintain longevity is yet to be seen, but for the time being we finally have a Football Manager game that can be enjoyed against other people and in short bursts, a game that’s subtly addictive but never life sapping. Whether you consider that a good or a bad thing should tell you whether or not FML is for you.- 8.2 from IGN

Out of the Park Baseball 10
Out of the Park Baseball 10 is not the type of baseball experience that can be enjoyed by any fan of the sport. It takes a specific type of micromanager to enjoy what the forty-dollar download brings to the table, but if you can get your head around the complex menus and grandiose management duties you’ll find an extraordinarily deep baseball simulation running under the hood. There are flaws in the AI and core design, but hardcore baseball managers and fantasy freaks should be delighted with the many intricacies of Out of the Park Baseball 10.- 8.0 from IGN

New Star Grand Prix
New Star Grand Prix generally does a good job adapting the finer aspects of New Star Soccer to F1-style arcade racing. If the top-down perspective isn’t enough to hamper your enjoyment, then you’ll find close, intense racing (much more so than the real-life series)(…)In all, the transition to motorsport has gone smoothly and fans of top-down racing games will find competitive racing with some career management options.- 7.5 from Out of Eight website

MLB Dugout Heroes
At the end of the day Dugout Heroes is a free-to-play game that you’ll be able to enjoy for some time, regardless if you invest your hard-earned dough into campus currency. When you get down to it, it’s just a free-spirited, fun game of baseball.-7.4from IGN

Out of the Park Baseball 10
New entry in the greatest baseball manager series. 2007 edition was a huge success and a vast improvement over previous one,recieving 92% from PCGamer, perfect score from Gamespy and having 96% average on Gamerankings.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online
Browser based golf sim.


Monster Trucks Nitro
This is a game that is extremely easy to learn but hard to master, but not at the same insane level as its predecessor. This ultimately makes the game more enjoyable, as the tracks are less severe and the vehicles are easier to handle. The game strikes the right balance between precision and forgiveness, something Trials 2 Second Edition lacked during its more difficult levels. The graphics continue to be quite strong as well. (…)Monster Trucks Nitro is a game in desperate need of a level editor: it would seem to be easy enough to execute because of the 2-D nature of the levels, so I am at a loss explaining why this feature is still not here. Allowing user-created content would elevate Monster Trucks Nitro into the must have・category of gaming, but it is still a very solid intricate arcade game.- 7.5 from Out of Eight website

A satisfactory and highly customizable 2-D racing game(…) If you are looking for a customizable racing game and you won’t be deterred by the 2-D presentation or high difficulty, then Roadclub would be a good choice/- 7.5 from Out of Eight website

Super Laser Racer
Super Laser Racer delivers exactly what I expect from a $10 game: solid, enjoyable core gameplay. The racing is adapted well from New Star Grand Prix, easing back a bit on the difficulty to compliment the combat more effectively. The fast pace of the races works well, with turbo pads and plentiful pick-ups to dispose of those pesky enemy racers. The AI is quite competent and less robotic than before, successfully using their weapons and utilizing alternate paths along the way: they are a good foe. The quality of the AI almost makes up for the lack of a multiplayer component, but the lack of a compelling career mode makes this a more glaring omission. Every racing game needs online play, and Super Laser Racer is no exception. The points-only tournament mode borrows none of the interesting career options from other New Star games, and the only motivation to play a series of races is to unlock additional content. Even with these limitations, the appropriate low price point of Super Laser Racer makes is a good choice for fans of arcade combat games- 7.5 from Out of Eight website

Superleague Formula Game,
Racing sim from ISI (makers of rFactor and F1 Challenge 99-02), which brings the 2009 SLF season to the PC.

Turismo Carretera
Racing sim that recreates most important series in South America. It’s using the gMotor 2.0 technology licenced by ISI.( the same physics and graphics engine that GTR2 and RACE use)

Metal Drift
SF vehicular sport combat game. Devloped for InstantAction by couple ex-Dynamix guys

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
When you look at the total package, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is hands-down one of the best first-person shooters out there, and a truly amazing offering across any system. With that being said, our score comes with a disclaimer. For those planning to check out everything Modern Warefare 2 has to offer – online competition, full co-op Spec Ops mode, as well as the campaign – you’re looking at a no-brainer purchase. For the strictly single player crowd, however, Modern Warfare 2 is surprisingly short, and doesn’t live up to the standard set by previous Call of Duty games. The campaign can be completed in as little as four and a half hours, and the missions make better scenarios and moment-to-moment adrenaline rushes than they do a cohesive, well-told story. If you’re going solo, you’ve officially been warned. Look at the complete Modern Warfare 2 experience though, and there’s no denying its rightful place at the top.- 9.5 from IGN

Resident Evil 5
It may not be a radically new Resident Evil 5, but the PC version of the game still manages to hold its own with an improved control scheme and extra Mercenaries mode. While the addition of costumes is somewhat minor, and you may require a few upgrades to your computer to take full advantage of what the game has to offer, you’re exploring a great story and excellent gameplay. Plus, the inclusion of 3D is a harbinger of what gaming will probably become, and the effect is extremely nice if you have the opportunity to take advantage of it. Umbrella’s virus hasn’t completely evolved, but it’s definitely worth isolating yourself with a copy of RE5 for a while.- 9.3 from IGN

Dragon Age: Origins
ncredibly deep and expansive, Dragon Age: Origins is one of those titles that can easily swallow up dozens of hours of play and keep you coming back for more. The fact that BioWare chose to include downloadable content, including a new character and side quest, on launch day proves that they have an extensive plan for supporting the game. Couple that with the fact that each character can be developed in radically different ways, and you have an adventure that earns its own place among BioWare’s expansive RPG collection. This is the kind of adventure that fantasy RPG fans have been hoping that BioWare would deliver – a game with a ton of re-playability and an incredibly vivid world that is the start of an impressive franchise.- 9.0 from IGN

Left 4 Dead 2
Whether or not Left 4 Dead 2 is for you really depends on your level of exposure and affinity for the style of hardcore team-focused gameplay Valve is offering here. If you’re still interested in the gameplay, then you’re going to enjoy every aspect of the sequel since it’s improved in all areas, from available game modes to strength of character and personality to replayability and its visual style. After playing, you’ll find it impossible to go back to the first game. Though plenty of other games offer co-operative gameplay against mobs of computer-controlled foes, no other game emphasizes teamwork as strongly as this, and few other games are as satisfying when you’re able to pull through successfully, particularly when competing in Versus mode against four human-controlled boss zombies. If you saw the original and were always curious to try it out, then by all means get the sequel. It is, without a doubt, the better game.(…)It remains one of the most distinctive co-operative titles out there, and allows for some of the most nerve-searing team-based multiplayer gaming on the market.- 9.0 from IGN

Need for Speed Shift
Need for Speed Shift is a glorious return to greatness (and even excellence) for EA’s seminal racing franchise. Slightly Mad Studios has delivered a driving experience that, while not completely accurate in terms of its simulation aspects, is practically dead-on in terms of what it’s like to race around some of the world’s best racing circuits. The career mode could (and should) have been a little better, but the act of driving is basically phenomenal.- 9.0 from IGN

Batman: Arkham Asylum
Batman: Arkham Asylum is the greatest comic book videogame of all time. This is an adult Dark Knight story that is well-told, packs some truly fun gameplay elements, has topnotch voice talent, and feel like it’s part of Batman canon.(…)Rocksteady nailed what Batman is supposed to feel like. Fans, rejoice.- 9.0 from IGN

Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter IV is a great game overall and Capcom should be commended for designing a game that can work on so many levels by appealing to both casual and hardcore players.- 8.9 from IGN

In an age when many games feel like clones of one another or are designed to be easy to beat, Braid sticks to its guns and delivers a rewarding and memorable experience that’s definitely worth checking out. It’s like an invigorating breath of fresh air, and proof that a handful of independent developers can create games that raise the bar for other-8.8 from IGN

Gearbox’s Borderlands is without a doubt a slick, satisfying hybrid title for those who know what to expect. If you’re a shooter fan curious what the world of Pandora is all about, then you should know that this is a product built on a foundation of statistical progression, character customization, and one that holds item acquisition high above interesting quest structure and narrative. At the same time, it plays like a shooter, requiring twitch skills to dominate the droves of enemies that stand in between you and your search for a mysterious vault. With the opportunity for up to four to join together for co-operative play, four character classes, a dizzying array of firearms, around 20 or so hours of content for a single playthrough and the option to restart with stronger enemies and loot, there’s plenty of content here. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable journey that offers a steady stream of rewards that remains convenient and accessible. It’s something action role-playing game fans looking for an experience more up-close and brutal than genre entries of the third-person variety should have a blast with, and one of the more memorable products of 2009.- 8.8 from IGN

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
The Secret of Monkey Island has a special place in the museum of videogames for its quick wit, its personality, and the way it surprises us at every turn. Playing this adventure will take you back to a simpler, more innocent time before games needed to bash us over the head with ultra violence to get our attention. They definitely don’t make ‘em like this anymore. The Special Edition doesn’t offer any new gameplay, so its appeal may be limited if you’ve already been initiated. But if you’ve never seen a three-headed monkey, download this now.- 8.7 from IGN

Free Realms
With a nearly flawless launch under their belts and several updates already made to the game to fix minor bugs with the game, Free Realms is off to a really solid start. Even with its flaws, it’s a lot of fun and there is so much to do, that even though leveling a single class to the current cap of 20 might not take very long, leveling all of them and going through all the quest content in the world, as well as enjoying the trading card game and tower defense games, amounts to many dozens of hours of gameplay. It’s worth checking out for any fan of casual games, RPG games, trading card games, tower defense games (yes these games are so good that fans of the genre should check it out just for that!) or pet training games, whether you are 5 or 50.-8.8from IGN

If you’re familiar with the genre and are looking to take the next step into a mature, well-realized fantasy world, then this is it. Its combat system isn’t the greatest and its pacing is inconsistent, but for those who put in the time to see all Risen has to offer, it’s an experience that won’t be forgotten.- 8.6 from IGN

Mirror’s Edge
There’s a distinctive flow and rhythm to DICE’s Mirror’s Edge, letting you bound across obstacle courses with seemingly inhuman strength and agility. Though the disarm system isn’t as immediately accessible as the platform-hopping mechanics, with some practice you’ll eventually find you can slide, dash and smash for long, continuous stretches, a thrill reminiscent of Sonic the Hedgehog’s early days. While its elegant controls, visuals and audio weave a dreamlike tapestry that its animated cut-scenes do their best to eat away at, the whole is an experience you’d be remiss to let fly by if you missed it on consoles.- 8.5 from IGN

Fallout 3: Broken Steel
Lifting the level cap breathes new life into a great game, but shouldn’t totally overshadow a new series of quests that is a lot of fun. By extending the game beyond the main quest, Bethesda has delivered exactly what the fans have been asking for.-8.5from IGN

Infinite Interactive took what worked in Puzzle Quest and expanded it into an even bigger, longer game. That means if you are a fan of PQ, Galactrix will hook you all over again. The zero gravity puzzle game is slightly more complex, and there is an entire galaxy of quests, mini-games, and characters to get lost in. Plus, the music is fantastic. The developers really hit on something with the Puzzle Quest formula, and I’ll be on board as long as they can keep it engrossing.-8.5 from IGN

Fallout 3: Point Lookout Review
Point Lookout is one of the better Fallout 3 expansions and feels well worth the $10 price tag. There’s a brand new area with over a half dozen trippy and exciting missions to find and work through. Plus, there are inbred hillbillies. If you’re still looking for more Fallout 3, definitely give Point Lookout a try.- 8.5 from IGN

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
If you’re willing to put in the time, there’s plenty of content here to enjoy, including getting a handle on how all the various car models control and boost. For gamers looking for a different kind of high-speed racer or anyone’s who has yet to experience the thrill Criterion’s Burnout series provides, this is a solid choice.- 8.4 from IGN

Tropico 3
Tropico 3 combines a very good city building game with an intriguing political game. The city builder portions are driven by lots of logical choices and consequences that leave the player feeling free to explore their own paths to success. This isn’t a game where the associations are so rigid that you end up building the same city again and again. On top of that, the pleasantly unpredictable event system gives you a chance to change your focus and add a little more context to your game. The political system gives you a motivation to succeed on your own terms without locking you into any specific strategy. On the downside, the pace of the game is a bit slow and the interface could be a bit clearer in spots, but these are minor issues that won’t keep fans of the genre from enjoying all the other things the game gets right.- 8.4 from IGN

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
With F.E.A.R. 2, Monolith has crafted a solid follow-up to F.E.A.R. It’s a good shooter, bordering on great at times, but it’s not as groundbreaking as its predecessor. Still, it’s definitely faithful to the idea of F.E.A.R., which is mainly trying to get under your skin using a combination of tried-and-true horror elements, not the least of which is a creepy little girl.- 8.3 from IGN

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is something you don’t see every day on consoles, and its uniqueness does offer a breath of fresh air amidst the myriad twitch and sci-fi shooters out there. Along with Arma II, this is one of the more realistic shooter simulations around these days, with a sense of tension built out of life or death situations rather than over-the-top action. I had fun with Dragon Rising, despite the fact that it consistently showed a lack of polish through weak artificial intelligence, middle of the road presentation, and its fair share of bugs.- 8.2 from IGN

Trine is great fun in single-player and it’s worth experimenting with the three-player co-op even if the game works best as a solo experience. Players are given a set of tools (three characters with unique abilities) and are presented with problems that can be solved in several ways, resulting in an adventure that feels wide open despite being relegated to a mere two dimensions. The beautiful visuals and sound bring this world to life and there is something new to discover around every corner. A lack of enemy variety, disappointing conclusion, and the wonky multiplayer keep Trine from greatness, but this is still a highly recommended puzzle platformer.- 8.2 from IGN

Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Adventures: Episode 1
For the Wallace and Gromit superfans, this should be a no-brainer, day one purchase. For everyone else, it’s another well-polished episodic adventure of the sort we’ve come to expect from Telltale, and even if you’re not familiar with the source material, it’s definitely worth your time.-8.0 from Adventuregamers

Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Adventures: Episode 2- The Last Resort
A funny, faithful, flawed adventure for the inventor and his dog.-7.0from IGN

Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Adventures: Episode 3 – Muzzled!
By focusing on telling a complete story and better integrating the puzzles, Muzzled! succeeds in being an episodic adventure that feels like it could be an actual Wallace and Gromit short film.- 8.0 from Adventuregamers

Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Adventures: Episode 4 – The Bogey Man
With a few rough spots and a few strokes of genius, The Bogey Man is the first of the Grand Adventures to pose any real challenge, though instead of being a series-ending spectacular, it’s mainly par for the course.- 7.0 from Adventuregamers

Section 8
It’s a game that pulls its ideas from a wealth of other titles past, and does so effectively, but not without stumbling over some combat speedbumps. If you’re willing to put in some time to learn the game’s systems and are eager to work as part of a team, then it’s easy to have a good time with this one.- 8.0 from IGN

Mini Ninjas
Even though Mini Ninjas might not be as in-depth or content heavy as its modern peers, it’s still a beautiful, fun game that opens up ninja culture to kids(…) This is the perfect game to introduce younger siblings or your own children to the classic Japanese tales and ninja quests so many of us love. I consider Mini Ninjas to be an extremely pleasant surprise.- 8.0 from IGN

Red Faction: Guerrilla
While the game may not do everything right, it’s your best bet for free-form demolition and unpretentious entertainment.- 8.0 from IGN

The Maw
The Maw is a fine little romp for people who feel the platformer genre doesn’t get enough respect these days. It’s also a great game for parents searching for something to hand off to a young child. The Maw is fairly linear and there isn’t a great amount of depth to it, but its two main characters are adorable and the pacing is spot on.-8.0 from IGN

Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 1: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal
The episode’s biggest weakness is the clear lack of any kind of grand finale. While the music swells once you leave the island, the finale lacks epic triumph and the denouement amounts to a cliffhanger, leaving more questions than answers. And there are plenty of questions to be answered as the designers have planted plenty of seeds for future installments. So episode 1 gets high notes for bringing us back into the Monkey Island universe, but at the same time, it looks like we’ll have to wait for the rest of the episodes to roll out over the next four months or so to get all the answers.- 7.9 from IGN

Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 2: The Siege of Spinner Cay
Telltale has another solid outing in this episode, and it’s cool to see the story start to come together. Plus, the next episode looks to have a completely cool and unexpected setting, so we’re looking forward to seeing where this all goes.- 7.9 from IGN

Tales of Monkey Island, Episode 3: Lair of the Leviathan
Telltale seems to have found the right mix of talent and franchise in Tales of Monkey Island. The characters and setting give the developers a chance to combine the broad humor of Sam and Max with the slightly more grounded feel of the Wallace and Gromit games. The jokes are funny, the puzzles are challenging and both arise out of the overall story, which is genuinely interesting. It might be a bit hard to pick up the odd episode here or there, so the season actually requires a bigger investment than the others, but it’s well worth i- 8.0 from IGN

Tales of Monkey Island, Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood
The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood is an attractive addition to the series, but the strength of it comes more from the way it advances the story and offers up a couple of groups of interesting puzzles. Not everyone will like the unexpected twists of the story but the bits about Elaine and Morgan are very appealing and add some much-needed weight. It’s true that the jokes aren’t as funny this time around but the puzzles are challenging without being frustrating, which should help you see this one through to a satisfying conclusion.- 7.2 from IGN

Tales of Monkey Island -Chapter 5: Rise of the Pirate God
I think this is the best episode of the entire season. The writing is great, the conflicts are interesting, the jokes are funny and the payoff lives up to the promise. The only downside is that the puzzles are much too straightforward in the beginning so the game essentially solves itself as you move from one area to the next. Things get a little more complicated when LeChuck appears and you’ll find yourself grappling with a couple of large, multi-part puzzles. Though there’s no obvious cliffhanger, the material is set up nicely for a second season. Here’s hoping it’s even better than the first.- 8.3 from IGN

NBA 2K10
With solid, fast paced gameplay and an excellent presentation that’s easily the best the series has ever had, NBA 2K10 continues its strong pedigree of great basketball. While the presentation holds down the fort, the inclusion of the NBA Today and My Player modes, as well as the addition of the developmental leagues make an already good title even better.- 7.9 from IGN

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
As a prequel, Bound in Blood does a good job of presenting the characters, their storylines and what eventually leads back into the franchise history. It also packs in a ton of fast action, loads of explosions and a heavy dose of duels against opponents that want to take you to Boot Hill.- 7.7 from IGN

Battlestations: Pacific
While interesting and engaging, Battlestations: Pacific is not for everyone. The pace of many battles might be a bit too slow for adrenaline junkies, and those looking for simple thrills should look elsewhere. But if you’re a World War II fan who’s tired of the endless string of shooters or you feel that you’ve seen Normandy Beach one too many times, then you might want to check this distinctive and engaging World War II game out.-7.7 from IGN

Dark Sector
Dark Sector’s fun. Hearing guards scream for help just before they take a glaive to the face, marching around in this Metal Gear-looking Jackal tank while rocketing bad guys into the air and wielding a pimped-out shotgun make the experience something any action fan can get behind. However, when the really similar levels and waves of opponents get too repetitive towards the end of the game, Dark Sector’s weak storyline might not be enough to carry the more fickle fan to the finish line. Still, $20 is an attractive price point for the game. It’s fun, but it’s not perfect.- 7.7 from IGN

Godfather 2
The Godfather II places an interesting spin on the second film in the acclaimed series, adding emphasis on both strategy and action elements to give you a sense of what it’s like to create and control your own empire. Multiplayer also puts a creative spin on using your henchmen to gain money and even items for your soldiers. However, players of action or strategy games of any variety will blow through this title thanks to the lack of difficulty in the single player campaign, and probably will only turn to the multiplayer once they’ve beaten the game, since they won’t need to increase their henchmen’s skills. It’s still fun and has almost all of the elements of a great game, but until a harder difficulty level is added (which, fingers crossed, would occur with a future download or patch), The Godfather II falls a tad bit short.- 7.6 fromIGN

Champions Online
As a superhero MMO, Champions Online does a lot of things right. The amount of visual customization and the thrilling superhero combat are definitely the game’s strongest points. The zones are also large, interesting, and finally take the action out of the city. Instanced content and public quests score big in terms of action and story, but most of the rest of the quests are of the traditional MMO mad-libs variety where you combine the word kill/rescue/collect with a number and a noun(…)If Cryptic can adjust the balance of the crafting system, find a more meaningful format for PVP and introduce new content and zones that makes story elements more apparent, the prospects for a player to enjoy the game over the long term will be high. Whether you’ll really enjoy the game in the meantime depends on how much you like the character creation and combat systems.- 7.6 from IGN

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed – Ultimate Sith Edition
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed – Ultimate Sith Edition is just an extended version of the game that was released last year. It doesn’t fix or change anything in the original game – it just gives you a few more levels and some new skins. If you don’t already have the game, give it a look. If you do, you might just want to go the DLC route.- 7.5 from IGN

Bionic Commando
It’s been an incredibly long time since Nathan Spencer swung onto a console, and for the most part, his return is a solid one. Bionic Commando provides an updated adventure for the classic hero, sending him as a one man army against daunting odds to save the world once again. If you can look past the replayability issues that crop up due to the linear play and the tons of screen and texture tears, you’ll find an enjoyable adventure that easily re-establishes the franchise for Capcom. You’ve been out of duty for way too long, Spencer – Hopefully you’ll come back sooner than later.- 7.5 from IGN

Serious Sam HD: First Encounter
Serious Sam doesn’t try to be anything more than a gory, adrenaline-fueled shooting gallery. For many, that is all that is required for a good time. It does get repetitive, though. There are definitely cheap thrills to be had here but don’t expect the substance that modern first-person shooters like Half-Life and BioShock offer. If you just want to kill some stuff, Serious Sam will certainly do.- 7.5 from IGN

Prototype is a game with many cool features. However, it lacks many of the finishing touches that make for a great and memorable game. To say the graphics and game engine need work is a massive understatement and many of the missions are cookie cutter in design without any real focus or attention to detail. Thankfully, Alex Mercer’s absorbing and shape shifting powers manage to overcome many of the shortcomings of Prototype. Though the missions themselves aren’t anything special, the vast array of powers provides their own variety and flair.- 7.5 from IGN

Ghostbusters: The Video
If you dug the movies, you should dig Ghostbusters: The Video Game. There are some moments that cause the game to stumble, but you’re getting a new tale in the Ghostbusters canon, fun gameplay, a whole bunch of stuff to destroy, and some cool ghosts to scan. I felt that the game’s ending was a bit flat and the romantic interest was forced, but Ghostbusters was fun — too bad you don’t get the multiplayer action the home consoles do.- 7.5 from IGN

Fallout 3: The Pitt Review
The download might be a little short for your money, depending on your tastes and how much bang you expect for your buck, but the quests are fun and The Pitt matches that feeling of despair that Fallout 3 does so well. If you can make it through without any glitches, you’ll find a lot to like here. Until a patch comes, good luck.-7.5 from IGN

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
If you know nothing about the story found in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, this game is not the place to start because it glosses over the facts and emotions of the real story. However, if you’re looking to pick up your broomstick and take Hogwarts by storm, this title should find its way into your library. It’s not groundbreaking and it’s not the most engaging experience in the world, but there is something fun about dropping worms into a cauldron and desperately looking for 150 hidden crests. Potter fans shouldn’t be disappointed if they’re looking to kill a few hours in the house that Dumbledore built.- 7.5 from IGN

Droplitz is a nice puzzle game to zone out with. Its system of unlocking new levels and game modes by reaching certain scores is very rewarding. Some might regret the lack of multiplayer, but there’s plenty of solid single-player puzzling to be done here. The art style and music don’t show a lot of personality, but the gameplay is simple and addicting. It’ll claim several hours of your life before you even notice they’re gone.- 7.5 from IGN

Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena is a difficult game to judge. The first half of the game, Escape from Butcher Bay, certain shows its age, but is still an innovative game. The sequel, however, comes off as a poor imitation. It’s far more frustrating and seems more shooter than anything else. It’s not a terrible game for a sequel, but it’s inferior to Butcher Bay. If you played the original back in 2004, then there’s little reason to pick this game up. However, if you never played Riddick’s first adventure it (and its modest follow-up) are worth checking out.-7.4 from IGN

With almost a decade between installments, it’s impossible to argue that id is trying to milk the Wolfenstein license. Yet this also means that a lot of evolution has gone on in the genre. It’s admirable that Raven Software recognized this with Wolfenstein, but you can’t help but wish that they developed the kernel of the ideas in this game into something more. As it is, this new Wolfenstein comes off as an engaging, though otherwise forgettable, shooter.- 7.3 from IGN

Square Enix’s puzzle game will grab fans of the genre. This version adds a nice single-player story mode, but ditches the fun multiplayer game on XBLA. If we could mash these two versions together we’d have a great puzzle game, but as is Yosumin is just decent.- 7.1 from

Star Trek D-A-C
Star Trek D-A-C definitely benefits from the inclusion of the single-player Survival mode. The multiplayer modes were all that were available when the game was first released on XBLA earlier this year, and the package feels more robust now. Also, whereas we previously couldn’t tweak game settings, we now can customize multiplayer matches. It’s very cool that the developers listened to feedback from the first release and actually improved the game. Originally this was something you could have a few hours of fun with. Now, we reckon you can extend those fun times to a few days.- 7.0 from IGN

LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
The original got 8.0 from IGN

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2
Sequel to 8.2 action rpg.

The Saboteur
Sandbox stealth action-game by Pandemic set in Nazi occupied Paris.

Lord of Creatures
Made by lead designers of Commandos and Commandos2.

White Gold: War in Paradise
FPS/RPG hybrid that’s a successor to Boiling Point.

World of Zoo
Zoo managment game from Blue Fang, creators of Zoo Tycoon series.

DiRT 2
The first one got 8.3 from Gamespot

Runaway 3: A Twist of FateHero

Blood Bowl
Sports game based on great Games Workshop board game, it will have both traditional turn-based mode as well as real-time one. It’s being developed by Cyanide Studios (makers of similar Chaos League)

Astro Tripper
Follow-up to Space Tripper

Cletus Clay
A platformer with visuals made of Clay made by maker of Platpus

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The story is convoluted, the bosses are boring and the whole experience isn’t that deep, but this game sure is fun.-7.8 from IGN

Virtua Tennis 2009

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